Did you ever start a project that you thought would take a certain amount of time and it ends up taking ten times longer! Well, that’s how my powder room makeover went. This has to be the smallest room makeover in the history of makeovers! It’s just a teeny, tiny powder room! But, small doesn’t always equal easy or quick! I wanted to make this tiny room special, memorable, and pretty. So, when Wallpaper Direct contacted me to work with them, I was beyond excited to pick out a wallpaper for this small space. As soon as I laid eyes on this black and white tile wallpaper on the Wallpaper Direct website, I knew it was THE ONE!
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Isn’t it just amazing! It’s bold, yet classic. It has the look of the cement floor tiles that are so popular now! My initial plan was to use this tile wallpaper floor to ceiling. But, once I started, I soon found out that this graphic design had to be perfect and that’s hard when your walls aren’t framed perfectly. So, I decided to keep it on the upper half of the wall with a beadboard and chair rail on the lower half of the wall.
But, let’s start at the beginning. The first thing we did in this room was totally empty it out. There was your standard, builder grade sink and cabinet and an almond colored toilet. I wanted a white pedestal porcelain sink and white toilet. I thought the pedestal sink would do a great deal to make this tiny space feel a little bit more open. I began looking at the big box stores and then decided to check out Craigslist. Boy, am I glad I did! I found this matching Kohler Portrait pedestal sink and toilet from a contractor ,who had just finished a bathroom makeover for a client and this beautiful set was what was removed!!! I paid $125 for this set, with the American Standard Williamsburg polished brass sink faucet.
The beadboard is actually wallpaper as well. I picked it up from Lowe’s. Once painted, you would never know it’s not the real deal! And, its so much easier to put up. Hubs was a dear and cut out all those intricate mitered corners and breaks for outlets. I painted the beadboard wallpaper, chair rail, and baseboard molding in Benjamin Moore Nightfall in matte finish.
For artwork, I had my grandmother’s 1914 high school diploma framed in a simple gold frame. The photo above is a group photo of the Shippensburg University summer school class of 1915 with my grandmother in her white sailor style dress in the second row.
The light fixture is a $30 galvanized outdoor fixture from Lowe’s that got a little spray paint treatment with metallic gold, glass black, and gloss white! I picked up the oversized, round Edison bulb at HomeGoods for $3.99!
The black oval mirror is from allen + roth at Lowe’s.
The pretty “Le Bain” hand towel is from HomeGoods. And, it’s always nice to have some fresh flowers in a powder room, so I clipped some bright pink roses from my Knockout rose bush. They are about the only thing left blooming at my house!!
I’ve included a full source list below with product links. I would love to hear what you think of my powder room makeover and, specifically, your thoughts on the black and white tile wallpaper!
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Source List:
Black and White Wallpaper: Faro Tile by Albany, Wallpaper Direct
Beadboard Wallpaper: allen + roth, Lowes
Beadboard Wallpaper Paint Color: Nightfall, Benjamin Moore
Light Fixture: Portfolio Ellicott 10.75 in. Galvanized Outdoor Light, Lowe’s
Spray Paint:
Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch 2x Ultra Cover Gloss Black,
Rust-oleum Painter’s Touch 2x Ultra Cover Gloss White
Rust-oleum Specialty Metallic Gold
Mirror: allen + roth 24″ x 30″ Black Beveled Oval Framed French Wall Mirror, Lowe’s
Pedestal Sink: Kohler Portait Pedestal Sink
Faucet: American Standard “Williamsburg” polished brass faucet & drain
Toilet: Kohler Portait
Hand Towel: HomeGoods
Maison Orange Blossom Hand Soap: World Market
Hand towel wall holder and Free Standing Toilet Paper holder: HomeGoods
Basket for extra toilet paper: HomeGoods
Wire Trash Basket: Marshall’s
Wood Wallpaper Gives the Look of a Real Wood Wall - Hymns and Verses
Tuesday 7th of August 2018
[…] Black and White Tile Wallpaper […]
The ORC - Week 4 - My Best Wallpaper Hanging Tips - Hymns and Verses
Wednesday 28th of February 2018
[…] a small space. I definitely took breaks when I wallpapered my tiny powder room. You can see it HERE. But, the finished product made it all worth it! I love my black and white powder […]
Christi Wallander
Thursday 24th of August 2017
Oh my, I just noticed the date!!! lol
Christi Wallander
Thursday 24th of August 2017
Incredible! I totally love the whole thing. Excellent job!!!
Fall Accents in the Powder Room - Hymns and Verses
Thursday 6th of October 2016
[…] The pretty Grateful candle with gold script is also from Target! All of these little accents were inexpensive, but really do add just a hint of autumn warmth to this black and white space! You don’t have to go all out when you decorate a bathroom or powder room. Keep it subtle with just a few seasonal touches! If you missed my full powder room reveal with a source list, you can see that post HERE. […]